AIProxy Bootstrap offers a collection of 6 FREE sample apps designed to accelerate your development process when building applications with OpenAI. These sample apps are built with SwiftUI, SwiftOpenAI, and AIProxy, ensuring the protection of your API keys in production.

The AIProxy Bootstrap sample apps cover a range of functionalities, including chat, translator, transcriber, and more. By downloading these apps, developers can save valuable time and jumpstart their OpenAI-powered projects without having to start from scratch.

With SwiftUI as the framework, developers can leverage its declarative syntax and powerful features to create intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces. SwiftOpenAI provides the necessary tools and libraries to integrate OpenAI models seamlessly into the apps.

One of the key advantages of using AIProxy in conjunction with these sample apps is the enhanced security it provides. AIProxy acts as a fully managed proxy, safeguarding your OpenAI keys and preventing unauthorized access. This eliminates the need to implement complex backend solutions or rely on cloud functions.

To get started with the AIProxy Bootstrap sample apps, simply visit AIProxy and download them for free. The collection includes a variety of app templates that can serve as a solid foundation for your OpenAI-powered projects.

By utilizing the AIProxy Bootstrap sample apps, developers can accelerate their development process, explore the capabilities of OpenAI models, and create innovative applications with ease.

For more information and to access the sample apps, visit AIProxy.