Builco is a powerful platform that allows you to quickly build Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) using Next.js and AI technology. With Builco, you can generate client/server code for the Next.js 14 App Router and Server Actions with just a few clicks.

Building an MVP from scratch can be time-consuming and complex. However, Builco simplifies the process by automating the creation of the codebase and providing AI-generated code. This allows you to focus on the core functionality of your product, saving you valuable time and effort.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, Builco’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to build a Todo web app or any other type of application. You can customize your MVP by setting its description and applying the generated code to your project.

Builco supports a tech stack that includes TypeScript, Next.js, Prisma, and Tailwind CSS. It generates client/server code for TypeScript and Next.js 14 App Router and Server Actions, as well as database schema code for Prisma and style class code for Tailwind CSS.

To learn more about Builco and start building your MVPs with ease, visit Builco.