Code Coach is an innovative AI-powered platform designed to help individuals practice their technical interview skills. With its advanced AI technology, Code Coach acts as a virtual interviewer, providing real-time feedback and guidance to improve interview performance.

One of the key features of Code Coach is its integration with Leetcode, a popular online platform for coding practice. By plugging right into Leetcode, Code Coach can turn any coding problem into a mock interview. This immersive experience simulates a realistic interview environment, allowing users to tackle problems under pressure and gain valuable insights into their strengths and areas for improvement.

The AI voice coach of Code Coach provides detailed feedback on performance based on the evaluation rubrics used by top tech companies like FAANG. This feedback helps candidates identify their weaknesses and areas that require further practice. Additionally, Code Coach offers guidance, hints, and tips for those who are new to technical interviewing, making it a valuable resource for individuals at all skill levels.

To experience the benefits of Code Coach, users can try the demo or download the Chrome extension. Code Coach has been used by candidates to successfully secure jobs at top tech companies, making it a trusted tool for interview preparation.

For more information, visit Code Coach.