Codellm is a powerful Visual Studio Code extension that seamlessly integrates with the Large Language Model (OLLAMA) and OpenAI. With Codellm, developers can harness the capabilities of these advanced language models to enhance their coding experience directly within the IDE.

By leveraging the offline and online functionalities of OLLAMA, Codellm simplifies code generation and query answering. Whether you need to generate code snippets or seek answers to programming-related questions, Codellm has got you covered.

With Codellm, you can take advantage of the following features:

  1. Local LLM Support: Utilize the power of local LLM models to enhance context and prompt generation.
  2. OpenAI Integration: Access the official OpenAI API to leverage models like GPT-3, GPT-4, or ChatGPT for code generation and natural language processing.
  3. Codebase Embedding: Embed your entire codebase in Redis vector storage or OpenAI for relevant response generation.
  4. Enhanced Code Assistance: Codellm allows you to automatically write documentation, explain selected code, refactor or optimize it, and find problems with it.
  5. Conversation History: View, pin, save, export, and import your conversations with the AI to keep track of your interactions.
  6. Customization: Customize the prompt sent to the AI for each command, including the choice of model and temperature settings.

To install the Codellm extension, simply download the VSIX extension file from the Visual Studio Marketplace and follow these steps:

  1. Open Visual Studio Code and navigate to the Extensions view.
  2. Click on the ellipsis (three dots) in the top right corner and select “Install from VSIX”.
  3. Browse and select the downloaded VSIX extension file.
  4. Review the extension details and click “Install” to confirm the installation.
  5. Restart Visual Studio Code if prompted.
  6. Access the Codellm extension through the Extensions view and start leveraging its powerful features.

Codellm is a game-changer for developers, allowing them to write code more efficiently and tap into the potential of AI-powered assistance. Experience the next level of coding with Codellm!

Learn more about Codellm and download the extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace.