Domino is an open-source, no-code platform that empowers users to create, manage, collaborate, and deploy advanced data and A.I workflows. With Domino, you can bridge the gap between ideas and their implementation, enabling everyone to build sophisticated data and A.I workflows effortlessly.

This platform provides a user-friendly interface that eliminates the need for coding skills. It allows you to create, edit, and monitor various types of workflows, including integrations with advanced data processing tools, machine learning and generative A.I algorithms, external APIs, and social media.

One of Domino’s key features is its focus on reusability and reproducibility. It proposes a standardized approach to creating functional pieces, making them reusable and easily shared with the community. You can bring any functional code into the graphical interface and share your pieces with others. Additionally, the platform offers rich real-time monitoring capabilities, providing a clean and intuitive interface to monitor workflow results with detailed reports, logs, images, interactive graphics, and tables.

Collaboration is at the core of Domino’s philosophy. Whether it’s within your organization or the broader community, you can easily collaborate, share your work, and seek inspiration from others. The platform offers collaborative workspaces, allowing teams to create and monitor workflows together. You can also export and share your workflows with others or import ready-to-use workflows from the community.

Domino is built to be open, reliable, and scalable. As an open-source project, anyone can contribute to its development and use it for free. Powered by Apache Airflow, it leverages top-tier workflows scheduling and monitoring capabilities. The platform is also Kubernetes native, ensuring scalability and resilience for your workflows.

To learn more about Domino and start building your own advanced data and A.I workflows, visit Domino.