i18n-proxy is an innovative reverse proxy solution that offers automatic translation capabilities, making it a valuable tool for businesses looking to cater to international audiences. With the power of AI, i18n-proxy can generate pre-translated static pages for SEO purposes, ensuring that your website reaches a wider audience.

One of the unique features of i18n-proxy is its support for both HTML pages and dynamic JS frameworks. This means that regardless of your website’s technology stack, i18n-proxy can seamlessly integrate and provide automated translation services.

In addition to its translation capabilities, i18n-proxy also has the potential to evolve into a CDN (Content Delivery Network) service in the future. This would further enhance the performance and accessibility of your website, ensuring a smooth user experience for visitors from around the globe.

To learn more about i18n-proxy and how it can benefit your business, visit their website at i18n.so.