“Keep-English” is an innovative AI-driven tool designed to make English learning fun and engaging. With its wide range of features and functionalities, it offers a unique learning experience for learners of all levels.

One of the key highlights of Keep-English is its ability to auto-generate AI responses. This feature allows users to practice their spoken English skills by engaging in conversations with the AI. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, you can benefit from this interactive feature.

Another notable feature of Keep-English is the option to hide subtitles. This allows users to challenge themselves and improve their listening skills without relying on visual aids. By removing the subtitles, learners can focus on understanding spoken English in a more natural way.

Additionally, Keep-English offers adjustable replay times. This feature allows users to control the speed at which the conversations are played back. Whether you want to listen to the conversations at a slower pace to catch every word or speed it up for a more challenging experience, Keep-English gives you the flexibility to customize your learning experience.

Whether you prefer manual or automatic chats, Keep-English has got you covered. It provides both options to cater to different learning preferences. You can choose to have conversations with the AI or engage in interactive chats with other users. This versatility ensures that you can practice your English skills in a way that suits you best.

To explore more about Keep-English and start your English learning journey, visit Keep-English.