Launchnow is a powerful SaaS boilerplate that prioritizes distribution and profitability. It provides a comprehensive frontend and backend boilerplate for building your next SaaS, Web App, GPT Actions, or AI Tools.

With Launchnow, you can accelerate the development process and quickly turn your ideas into profitable products. The boilerplate is designed to streamline the building process and enable you to ship your software in hours rather than days or weeks.

The frontend is built with SvelteKit, offering a more intuitive learning curve for developers new to frontend development. On the backend, Launchnow utilizes NestJS, a dedicated framework that enables complex logic and efficient data management.

By using Launchnow, you can save significant time and effort. The ROI Calculator estimates that you can save up to 24+ hours of laborious work when setting up OAuth, connecting frontend and backend authentication, generating REST docs, implementing components and libraries, setting up the database and ORM, and deploying to production.

To learn more about Launchnow and its features, visit their website here.