Let Me GPT That For You is a satiric website that aims to educate users on how to utilize LLM-based search. Similar to its predecessor, Let Me Google That For You, this site generates a shareable link to “you.com” with a customized query and presents LLM-based search results.

The purpose of Let Me GPT That For You is to provide a playful and humorous way to demonstrate the use of LLM-based search. It allows users to create a link that can be shared with others, mimicking the process of teaching someone how to search using the LLM model.

By generating personalized search queries and showcasing LLM-based search results, Let Me GPT That For You offers an entertaining and educational experience for users. It serves as a platform to showcase the capabilities of LLM and promote awareness of its potential applications.

To learn more about Let Me GPT That For You, you can visit their website at https://lmgpthat.com.