Lumos is an innovative Chrome extension that serves as an LLM co-pilot for browsing the web. It harnesses the power of local LLMs (Language Model Machines) to provide users with a seamless and enhanced web browsing experience.

With Lumos, users can take advantage of advanced language models to assist them while browsing the web. The extension is powered by Ollama, a cutting-edge technology that allows for efficient and accurate language understanding and generation.

By leveraging local LLMs, Lumos ensures that user data remains private and secure. The extension does not rely on external servers for language processing, resulting in faster response times and reduced dependency on internet connectivity.

Whether it’s searching for information, composing emails, or interacting with online content, Lumos acts as a helpful co-pilot, offering suggestions and improving the overall browsing experience. It’s a valuable tool for anyone who wants to optimize their productivity and efficiency while navigating the web.

To learn more about Lumos, visit the official GitHub repository.