Parabasis is a platform that aims to address the content problem on the internet by providing content advisories for text, audio, and video. With its AI-powered tools, Parabasis can analyze rhetoric, themes, hate-speech, profanity, and nudity to help users make informed decisions about the content they consume.

The platform’s main focus is to bring the concept of “Viewer Discretion Is Advised” warnings, commonly seen on television, to the internet. By generating content advisories, Parabasis aims to improve user experience and protect advertisers by providing them with detailed information about the content they are promoting or associating with.

One of the key features of Parabasis is its ability to analyze rhetoric. By assessing the persuasive language used in content, Parabasis can identify if the content is trying to manipulate or influence the audience. This can help users be more aware of the intentions behind the content they encounter online.

In addition to rhetoric analysis, Parabasis also offers theme identification. By identifying themes in text, audio, and video content, Parabasis enables users to generate more nuanced messaging. Themes such as panic, obsession, and fairness can be identified, allowing users to better understand the underlying messages conveyed in the content.

If you’re concerned about hate-speech, profanity, or nudity in the content you encounter, Parabasis has got you covered. Its AI algorithms can detect hate-speech, profanity, and nudity in text, audio, and video, providing users with the power to expand their advisories beyond rhetoric and create safer and more user-friendly platforms.

To learn more about Parabasis and its content advisory services, visit Parabasis.