PEAR.AI is an innovative browser extension called Project Pear that revolutionizes online interactions. With the power of cutting-edge AI and dynamic web scraping capabilities, PEAR.AI offers a seamless and efficient way to interact with any website.

What sets PEAR.AI apart is its ability to adapt and serve as your AI expert assistant for any site. Whether you need information, have questions, or require assistance with tasks, PEAR.AI is ready to help. By leveraging powerful industry AI models and its dynamic web scraping capabilities, PEAR.AI can gather accurate and relevant information from all your favorite sites.

One of the key features of PEAR.AI is its multi-site interaction capability. Using a simple ‘@’ command, users can switch between site agents within the same chat window, effortlessly compiling information from various sources. This means you can easily compare products, book services, or explore new content without leaving the chat interface.

PEAR.AI also offers a customizable and multimedia-rich experience for businesses. With advanced customization options and multimedia integrations, companies can enhance user interactions and maintain brand consistency while using Project Pear.

To use PEAR.AI, simply initiate a conversation by typing your query or command into the Project Pear chat interface. You can then switch between different site agents using the ‘@’ command, seamlessly managing all your interactions through the intuitive chat window.

Be among the first to experience the future of online interactions by applying for the closed beta of PEAR.AI. Early participants not only get exclusive access to PEAR.AI’s revolutionary capabilities but also play a pivotal role in shaping its development.

You can learn more and apply for the closed beta of PEAR.AI on the Pivot AI Research - Project Pear website.