Pivot365.io is a revolutionary platform that offers the world’s simplest calorie tracker, complete with AI magic. With Pivot365.io, you can easily track your daily calorie intake by simply taking a picture of all the food, beverages, and snacks you consume throughout the day. The AI technology then analyzes your meals and provides insights to help you achieve your daily goal.

Say goodbye to fad diets and welcome a permanent lifestyle change with Pivot365.io. Instead of restricting yourself with unrealistic diet plans, Pivot365.io encourages you to pivot towards a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. The platform focuses on establishing long-term habits that lead to lasting results.

If you’re tired of struggling with yo-yo dieting and are ready for a real transformation, Pivot365.io is the perfect solution. One pilot user shared their inspiring success story, having lost an impressive 40 pounds by implementing the principles embedded in the Pivot365.io solution. This individual was finally able to make a permanent lifestyle change and, most importantly, maintain the results.

Pivot365.io is not just a calorie tracker; it’s also an opportunity for brands to connect with a large base of potential customers. The platform offers in-app messaging capabilities, allowing brands to deliver targeted messages based on client characteristics, demographics, and past behavior. From promotional offers to building brand awareness, Pivot365.io provides the tools to engage with users effectively.

If you’re interested in investing in Pivot365.io, the platform is currently seeking early-stage investments. They prefer the YC’s safe (simple agreement for future equity) as the investment instrument, but they are open to other options as well. The YC’s safe has been widely adopted by startups for early-stage fundraising since its introduction in 2013. To express your interest in investing, simply drop an email to mika.sipila@pivot365.fi with your contact information.

To learn more about Pivot365.io and its innovative calorie tracking solution, visit their website at Pivot365.io.