PlayThis is a game discovery platform that aims to help gamers find their next favorite game quickly and effortlessly. With PlayThis, you can import your entire Steam Library and easily organize your video game backlog. The platform utilizes AI-driven algorithms to provide personalized game recommendations based on your gaming preferences.

One of the standout features of PlayThis is its ability to analyze your game backlog and provide valuable insights. It can identify games in your backlog that offer the best quality per hour, allowing you to make informed decisions on which games to prioritize. Additionally, PlayThis provides scores and estimated playtime for each game, giving you a quick overview of what to expect.

The AI-driven recommendation system of PlayThis ensures that you receive game suggestions tailored to your specific interests and gaming habits. By analyzing your gaming history and preferences, PlayThis can provide accurate recommendations that match your gaming style. Whether you enjoy action-packed adventures, immersive role-playing experiences, or challenging puzzle games, PlayThis has got you covered.

Discover your next favorite game effortlessly with PlayThis. To learn more about this personalized game recommendation platform, visit their official website here.