Sage AI is a revolutionary platform that offers a self-generating, self-maintaining code knowledge base to help companies clarify complex codebases and reduce knowledge friction within teams. With its symbol-level knowledge base and chat functionality, Sage AI enables engineers to quickly onboard and access the information they need to accelerate and maintain expertise in every codebase.

One of the biggest challenges in software development is the need for up-to-date documentation. Traditional documentation methods are time-intensive and struggle to keep pace with the rapid development of code. Sage AI eliminates this issue by automatically generating and maintaining a knowledge base that stays fresh and relevant, even as the codebase evolves.

By constructing and traversing a symbolic graph representation of codebases, Sage AI enriches its knowledge base with each generation. Engineers can easily search and access information within the knowledge base, with the added benefit of chat functionality that provides context from both the source code and the knowledge base.

Sage AI also allows customization of the starting context and shape of queries, enabling engineers to specify files or starting symbols for a more tailored search. This eliminates the fragmentation and discoordination that often occur when code information is scattered across different platforms and individuals.

To learn more about Sage AI and how it can revolutionize your software development process, visit Sage AI.