Scoopika is an open-source system that empowers developers to build controllable and predictable AI-powered applications. With Scoopika, developers can create context-aware products that enable users to interact with their data using natural language.

One of the key features of Scoopika is its function-calling capability. It allows developers to define and control how functions are called based on user input and context. This ensures that the AI system behaves predictably and follows predefined rules and validations for function arguments.

Scoopika offers a wide range of configuration options for handling function arguments. Developers can specify how each argument should be treated and even set up pre-execution validation steps and manual approval processes. This level of control ensures that the function receives only expected inputs, improving performance and reducing costs.

By leveraging cloud-based solutions and ready-to-use APIs, developers can focus on building their ideas with ease. Scoopika provides client libraries for both TypeScript and Python, allowing developers to run the system anywhere, from the serverless cloud platform to local environments.

To learn more about Scoopika and its function-calling capabilities, you can visit their website here.