Simulate is a powerful and user-friendly tool that allows you to conduct Monte Carlo simulations directly within your spreadsheet. With Simulate, you can create up to a thousand scenarios in a single run and easily export your data for further analysis in other software.

Monte Carlo simulation is a technique that helps you understand the range of potential outcomes and assess the likelihood of different scenarios. With Simulate, you can define input assumptions, set input ranges, select key outputs, and run simulations with just a click. This enables you to gain valuable insights into uncertainties and risks associated with your decision-making processes.

One of the key advantages of Simulate is its ability to handle the underlying complexity of Monte Carlo simulation. It eliminates the need for programming and allows you to focus on generating scenarios, analyzing results, and deriving actionable insights. Whether you are a financial analyst, project manager, or business strategist, Simulate empowers you to make better-informed decisions with confidence.

To try out Simulate and improve your decision-making process, you can visit the Simulate page on the Google Workspace Marketplace.