Smartrazor is a powerful tool designed specifically for YouTubers who create “talking head” style videos. With the aim of saving time and increasing efficiency, Smartrazor automates the process of clipping A-roll footage, and will soon include B-roll clipping functionality as well.

By using Smartrazor, YouTubers can significantly reduce the time spent on video editing. The tool simplifies the process into three easy steps. First, users upload their raw footage, which may contain mistakes and bad takes. Then, Smartrazor’s AI technology automatically clips the best takes from the footage, creating a cohesive and polished video. Finally, users can make any necessary tweaks or changes using the transcript editor, and export their clipped videos.

One of the key advantages of Smartrazor is its compatibility with all industry-standard editing software. Users can seamlessly integrate Smartrazor into their existing workflow, without the need to learn a new editing tool. This allows YouTubers to focus on the creative aspects of their videos, such as presets, key-framing, and other engaging edits, while leaving the repetitive and time-consuming tasks to Smartrazor.

To get started with Smartrazor and experience the benefits of faster video editing, visit their website at Smartrazor. Smartrazor offers a one-month free trial, and the subscription cost is $10/month.

Please note that Smartrazor is continuously improving its features, and B-roll clipping and placement functionality are currently in development. Users can also export their clips to any preferred video editor, further enhancing flexibility and convenience.

For more information and answers to frequently asked questions, you can visit the Smartrazor website and contact their support team if needed.