Sober Counter & Therapy - Rise is an app designed to empower individuals on their journey to recovery from addictions and self-destructive behaviors. With a range of features, including a Sobriety Timer, Mood Tracker, Note Taking, Self-Reflection Workbook, and 247 AI Therapist, it provides comprehensive support for managing triggers, tracking progress, and accessing personalized mental health support.

The Sobriety Timer is a key component of the app, allowing users to set their sobriety start date and monitor their progress in real-time. It also offers milestone celebrations and relapse management tools to help users stay motivated and understand patterns.

The Mood Tracker and Note Taking features serve as a personal diary, allowing users to log daily moods, events, and thoughts. This helps them identify emotional trends and triggers, while also providing an emotional outlet for reflection.

The Self-Reflection Workbook provides guided exercises to explore emotions, understand triggers, and develop coping strategies using cognitive-behavioral techniques. Users receive personalized feedback based on their workbook responses, thanks to the AI Therapist. This AI-powered feature offers round-the-clock support, tailoring responses based on data from the workbook and mood tracker.

Rise: Sober Counter & Therapy prioritizes user privacy and ensures confidential and secure interactions. The app’s comprehensive approach to recovery and mental well-being makes it a valuable tool for anyone striving to overcome addiction and achieve a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Learn more about Sober Counter & Therapy - Rise by visiting here.