&udm=14 is a simple yet effective way to access an AI-free search on Google without any additional effort. Google has recently introduced a version of its search engine that is free from all the extra features and enhancements that have been added over the past decade-plus. By adding “&udm=14” to the search URL, users can experience a more streamlined and focused search experience, without any AI algorithms influencing the results.

This new feature provides users with a quick and easy way to access search results that are not influenced by AI technologies. Whether you’re looking for unbiased information, want to avoid personalized search results, or simply prefer a more traditional search experience, &udm=14 is the solution you’ve been waiting for.

Please note that while this feature is available to most users, it may not be accessible to every Google account just yet. If you encounter any issues, try switching accounts or using incognito mode to access the AI-free search. Additionally, it’s important to know that &udm=14 does not track searches and utilizes self-hosted analytics from Plausible, a privacy-minded analytics tool.

To try out this AI-free search experience, simply visit udm14.com.