WebInsights is a next-generation website analytics tool that offers a visual approach to understanding website code and optimizing SEO. With its AI-powered analysis, WebInsights decodes the code written by developers and presents it to website owners in a simple and graphical manner.

One of the key features of WebInsights is its ability to provide insights into essential SEO components such as robots.txt and social media tags. By leveraging AI technology, WebInsights offers valuable recommendations and suggestions for improving the SEO performance of websites.

With WebInsights, website owners can gain a clear understanding of their developers’ work and identify areas for improvement. The tool simplifies complex analytics and provides detailed explanations, making it accessible to users with varying technical skills.

WebInsights takes data security seriously. It does not store any code or personal data of website users. Instead, it only retains the results of the analyses performed. This approach ensures the safety and privacy of users’ information.

To learn more about WebInsights and start using this powerful tool for visual website analytics, visit WebInsights.